Thursday, April 23, 2009

last outing 4 this sem

misi mencari air terlaksana....hehehe...
pantang jmpa bunga....
pmpuan la katakan,..............
posing kat ECmall buat kali terakhir tok sem ni...
my favourite shopping conner....
huhu... selamat tinggal BIG APPLE....
hehe... sbb 2la aku suka sgt g ECmall ni..
kalo gi sna xder duit pn xper..
blh cuci mata.. duduk2 n paling blh best snap pictures...
kat cni jgak la aku knal donut BIG apple...
best sgt sampaikan aku da naik gian mkn big apple 2..
tiap kali outing msti xmiss g ECmall, reason nyer sbb nk bli big apple...
tp BIg Apple 2 manis sgt, kalo sape2 yg ad keturun kencing manis dinasihatkan
xpayah la mkn donut BIg apple byk2... kalo stakat nk rs blh la...
terima kasih kepada driver KETE sbb lending your telinag dgr cik ecah berceloteh on that day...
huhu... setakat ni sjer ler....
tata titi tutu......
.....cik ecah yg perasan.....................................

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hatiku Sebesar Cawan
Editor : arisHa27

" Aduhai, kenapakah hidup aku selalu dirundung malang begini..? " lelaki itu berkeluh-kesah. Selama hidupnya, dia tak pernah merasakan ketenangan yang sebenar. Hatinya tidak pernah sepi daripada merasakan kerisauan. Fikirnya, tuhan tidak pernah sudi meminjamkan kedamaian hati padanya. Dia sangat cemburu apabila memandang sekeliling. Mereka bebas ketawa dan mudah tersenyum. Tapi dia? Dia hanya mampu tenggelam dalam dunia sepi dan resahnya sendiri.

Hatinya tidak mampu mengisi segala masalah yang menghimpit jiwanya. Lalu, selepas lelah dan puas berfikir, suatu hari dia melangkah longlai menuju ke hujung kampung. Niat hatinya, ingin menemui seorang lelaki tua. Saban hari, wajah lelaki tua itu sentiasa basah dan sejuk. Damai sentiasa bertamu diwajahnya. Dia ingin sekali meminta rahsia, " bagaimanakah boleh ku nikmati hidup begitu juga? " . Lalu, dia terus berperi kepada lelaki tua tersebut.

Masalah keluh kesah dan kerisauannya didengari lelaki tua itu sambil tersenyum. Lalu mengajak lelaki itu ke suatu tempat iaitu ke tepi sebuah kolam yang besar sambil membawa sebiji cawan dan dua bungkus garam. Lelaki itu mengikut, walaupun hatinya sedikit hairan.

" Anak muda... " lelaki tua itu bersuara .

" Ambillah cawan ini, isikanlah air dan masukkanlah sebungkus garam. " ujarnya lagi. Lelaki itu yang dalam kebingungan hanya menurut. Cawan diambil...air diisi...dan garam dimasukkan. Kemudian lelaki tua itu berkata lagi.

" Sekarang kamu minumlah air tersebut ". Dalam bingung yang masih bersisa, lelaki itu mengikut kata lelaki tua itu.

" Apa rasanya? ", tanya lelaki tua itu apabila melihat kerutan di dahi lelaki tersebut.

" Masin! " lelaki tua itu tersenyum lagi.

" Sekarang, kamu masukkan pula sebungkus garam ini ke dalam kolam itu, dan kamu hiruplah airnya. "

Lelaki tua itu menunjukkan arah ke kolam. Sekali lagi lelaki itu hanya mengikut tanpa menyoal. Air di cedok dengan kedua belah tapak tangan dan dihirup.

" Apa rasanya, anakku? " soal lelaki tua itu.

" Tawar, tidak masin seperti tadi ", lelaki muda itu menjawab sambil mengelap mulut.

" Anakku, adakah kamu memahami kenapa aku meminta kemu berbuat begitu tadi? " tanya lelaki tua itu, sambil memandang tepat ke arah lelaki tersebut. Lelaki itu hanya menggeleng. Lelaki tua itu menepuk-nepuk bahu lelaki tersebut.

" Anakku, beginilah perumpamaan kita dan masalah. Garam itu umpama masalah. Cawan dan kolam umpama hati kita. Setiap orang mempunyai masalah, ditimpa masalah, dan diuji dengan masalah. Tetapi, kalau hati kita sebesar cawan, maka kita akan merasai pahitnya masalah itu, pedihnya hati kita dan keluh kesahnya kita.Tetapi kalau hati kita sebesar kolam, masalah tidak akan mengganggu kita. Kita masih boleh tersenyum, sebab kita akan mengerti masalah bukan hadir untuk menyusahkan kita. Masalah dianugerahkan untuk kita berfikir, untuk kita muhasabah diri. Masalah dan ujian akan memberi hikmah kepada kita.Anakku, itulah rahsiaku. Aku sentiasa berlapang dada, aku sentiasa membesarkan jiwaku, supaya aku boleh berfikir tentang perkara-perkara lain dan masih boleh memberi kebahagiaan padaku. Aku tidak akan sesekali membiarkan hatiku kecil seperti cawan, sehingga aku tidak mampu menanggung diriku sendiri " .

Maka, pada petang itu. lelaki itu pulang dengan senyuman yang terukir di bibir. Dalam hati, dia berjanji, akan sentiasa membesarkan jiwa dan berlapang dada! Moral: Sahabat sekalian, jangan lah membiarkan kita lemas dalam masalah tetapi nikmatilah masalah itu. Sesungguhnya ada hikmah disebaliknya.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009



Everyday as i wake up at dawn
My mind start working the moment i yawn
There were many things to do, o dear!
That's why i hastily did my Subuh prayer
I didn't have the time to sit longer to
praise the Lord
To me rushing out after prayer is nothing odd...

Since school, i had been busy every minute
Completing my tutorials and handing it in
My ECAs took up most of my time always
No time did i have to Allah to pray
Too many things to do and zikir is rare
For Allah, I really had no time to spare..

When i grew up and started my career
Working all day to secure my future
When I reached home, I prefered to have fun
I chatted on the phone but i didn't read the Quran
I spent too much time surfing the Internet
Sad to say, my faith was falling flat...

The only time i have left is weekends
During which i prefer window shopping with friends
I couldn't spare time to go to the mosque
I'm too busy, that's the BIG EXCUSE...

I did my five prayers but did so quickly
After prayer, I didn't sit longer to reflect quietly
I didn't have time to help the needy ones
I was loaded with work as my precious time runs

No time at all to visit a sick Muslim friend
To orphans and elderly, I hardly lent a hand
I'm too busy to do community service
When there were gatherings, I helped the least

My life was already full of stress
So i didn't counsel a Muslim in distress
I didn't spend much time with my family
B'coz i thought, doing so is a waste of time...

No time to share with non-Muslim about Islam
Even though I know, inviting causes no harm
No time to do Sunnah prayers at all
All these contribute to my imaan's fall..

I'm busy here and busy there
I've no time at all, that's all i care
I went for religious lessons, just once in awhile
Coz i'm too busy making a pile...

I worked all day and i slept all night
Too tired for Tahajjud and it seemed not right
To me, earning a living was already tough
so i only did basic deeds but that's not enough..

No time at all, to admire God's creation
No time to praise All_h and seek His Compassion
Although I know how short is my life
For Islam, I really didn't strive..

Finally the day comes, when the Lord calls for me
And I stood before Him with my Life's History

I feel so guilty b'coz i should have prayed more
Isn't that what a Muslim lives for?
To thank Allah and do more good deeds
And the Quran is for us all to read..

Now at Judgement Day, I'm starting to fret
I've wasted my life but it's too late to regret
My entry to Paradise depend on my good behaviour
But i've not done enough nor did proper prayer

My "good deed book" is given from my right
An angel opened my "book" and read out my plight.
Then the angel chided me....

"O You Muslim servant, you are the one,
Who is given enough time, yet not much is done
Do you know that your faith is loose?
saying "no time" is only an excuse.
Your "good deed book" should be filled up more
with all the good work you stood up for..

Hence, I only recorded those little good deeds
As I say this, I know your eyes will mist..
I was about to write some more, you see
But i did not have, THE TIME to list".......



She smiled at a sorrowful stranger.
The smile seemed to make him feel better.

He remembered past kindness of a friend
And wrote him a thank you letter.

The friend was so pleased with the thank you
That he left a large tip after lunch.

The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip,
Gave part to a man on the street.

The man on the street was grateful;
For two days he'd had nothing to eat.

After he finished his dinner,
He left for his small dingy room.

He didn't know at that moment
that he might be facing his doom.

On the way he picked up a shivering puppy
And took him home to get warm.

The puppy was very grateful
To be in out of the storm.

That night the house caught on fire.
The puppy barked the alarm.

He barked till he woke the whole household
And saved everybody from harm.

One of the boys that he rescued
Grew up to be President.

All this because of a simple smile
That hadn't cost a cent.

...and THAT is the power of a smile! So smile away :)

The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said:
"Every good deed is sadaqah (charity). To meet your
brother with a smiling face and to pour out from your
bucket into his container are sadaqah."

importance of Bismillah

Bismillah (In the Name of Allah): Meaning of Bismillah, Power of Bismillah, Worth of Bismillah

Aoudo Be Allahe Mena Al Shaytan ArrajemBismillah (In the Name of Allah) is the start of all good things, so we shall start with it. This blessed phrase is a mark of Islam, one constantly recited by all creatures through their tongues of disposition. If you want to perceive its inexhaustible source of strength and blessing, consider the following allegory:

Travelers in Arabian deserts must travel under a tribal chief's name and protection, or else they will be bothered by bandits and unable to acquire what they need for the journey. Two people, one humble and the other arrogant, set out on a journey. The humble one obtained the name of a tribal chief; the arrogant one did not. The former traveled everywhere in safety. Whenever he met a bandit, he said: "I'm traveling in the name of this chief," and so was left alone. He was treated with respect in every tent he entered. In contrast, the arrogant one suffered disaster and constant fear, for he had to struggle and beg for every need. He became base and vile.

O arrogant soul! You are that traveler, and this world is the desert. Your weakness and poverty are endless, and the enemies and privations to which you are exposed are beyond number. Given this, invoke the name of the Eternal Owner and the Everlasting Ruler of this world, for only this can deliver you from such begging and fear.

Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) is a blessed treasure. It transforms your boundless weakness and poverty, by binding you to the Omnipotent and Merciful One's infinite Power and Mercy, into the most heeded intercessor at His Exalted Court. When you say Bismillah, you act in His name. You are like a soldier acting in the state's name, fearing no one, doing all things in the name of the law and the state, and persisting against all odds.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful)

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful)What is the purpose of commanding human beings to begin every act in the name of Allah? The operative word here is name. When we wear name brands for instance we do that for a purpose - to be able to gain standing in a society where these names are recognized. A baby, for instance is named after someone whom one is fond of respected, thus reviving the memory of the name.

Shaheed Murtaza Mutahhari in his book 'Understanding the Noble Qur'an' writes that the reason why we begin in the name of Allah is. He says "It is for the purpose of giving that act a sacred touch and making it blessed. When a human being who has a natural sentiment from Allah and considers Him a holy essence and a source of all Grace, begins an act in His name, it means that owing to His sanctity, nobility and greatness, the action to become sacred."

Let us consider this! Would we say Bismillah... before we abused someone or stretched out our hands to steal?

Another question that might come to mind when reciting Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) is what is the difference between Rahman and Rahim. Shaheed Murtaza Mutahhari writes: "The word Rahman denotes excess and therefore.Rahman means that Allah's mercy spreads everywhere and covers everything.The mercy of Allah has no exception. It does not include non-humans, nor does it include non-believers. It comprises the whole world.It is the extension of blessings to all existence while they exist, but many things are perishable. The word Rahim denotes stability.with its sense of stability and eternity it applies only to those who through their faith and good deeds have placed themselves in the path of Allah's particular blessings. So Allah's mercy is both universal and specific."

Shaytan, Shaitan, Satan, Devil: Where will I live, eat, sleep?

Shaytan, Shaitan, Satan, Devil: Where will I live, eat, sleep?When Shaytan, Shaitan was ordered out of heaven by Allah, he asked three questions?

Where will I live? Where will I eat? Where will I sleep?

Allah told him that he, Shaytan, Shaitan would live with the person who did not say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before he/she entered his/her house.

Shaytan, Shaitan would eat with the person who did not say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before he/she started to eat.

Shaytan, Shaitan would sleep with the person who did not say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before he/she went to sleep.

Shaytan, Shaitan, Satan, Devil: Vomited (Importance of Bismillah)

Shaytan, Shaitan, Satan, Devil: VomitedProphet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was once eating with a group of young children.

Suddenly Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) smiled. The children asked him why he was smiling. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) replied: "Shaytan, Shaitan has just vomited."

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) then explained that there was a child amongst them who had forgotten to say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) and Shaytan, Shaitan had sat to eat with him.

The child had just remembered and said: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful), from the beginning to the end.

Shaytan, Shaitan therefore vomited and thus the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) had smiled.

Significance of Bismillah, Importance of Bismillah: Stop from Jahannam

Importance of Bismillah: Stop from JahannamProphet Muhammad (S.A.W.) has said that on the day of judgement there will be some people who will have to go to Jahannam (Hell) because of their bad deeds.

However, from these people, there will be some who had the habit of saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before they did anything or entered anywhere.

Thus, when they will be taken to Jahannam (Hell) by the angels, they will be very sad but they will say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) Allah will tell the angels - "STOP"

Allah will tell them that He cannot let someone who says Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) calling Him Rahman and Rahim enter Jahannam (Hell).

Power of Bismillah, Worth of Bismillah: I can walk on water

Worth of Bismillah: I can walk on waterSyed Murtadha was a great aalim (scholar) who lived many years ago. He had many students who attended his classes.

At one of his classes he noticed that one of the students always came late. One day Syed Murtadha asked the student "Why are you always late?"

The student replied that he lived across the river and always took the first ferry across but the ferry service did not start any earlier.

Syed Murtadha wrote something on a piece of paper, folded it and gave it to the student. "Keep this with you" he said "and you will be able to walk across the river from tomorrow - but do not open the paper."

The next day the student got to the river and put his foot tentatively on the water. He could not believe that he could actually walk on the water.

For the next few days, he got to the classes on time.

One day, he could not hold back his curiosity. He looked inside the folded piece of paper. On it was written Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful).

For a moment he thought - "Is this all that helps me walk on water!" He put the paper in his pocket as usual and went to the river to go to his classes. This time he could not walk on the water and had to wait for the ferry. This meant that he was late for his class.

When the class was over, Syed Murtadha called him over and said "You looked into the paper when I had told you not to!"

With Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) you can move mountains provided you have trust and faith in Allah.

Worth of Bismillah, Significance of Bismillah: Ring in the Stomach of the Fish

Significance of Bismillah: Ring in the Stomach of the FishThere was once a lady who always said Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before she did anything. She knew that Allah would then always be with her. One day, she put her ring in the cupboard and as usual she said Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before she put it away. She knew that it would be safe.

Her husband took the ring and threw it in the river. He wanted to prove to her that only saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) would not keep it safe. He thought that in the evening he would ask her where the ring was and it would not be there.

Later that morning, the lady went to the market to buy some fish. When she was cleaning the fish at home she found her ring inside the stomach of the fish. She wondered how it got there but then put it back in its place in the cupboard saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful).

When her husband came back from work, he asked her where the ring was. She brought it from the cupboard. He was so surprised!

He told her what he had done and apologized to her. He also truly believed that Allah is with the person who says Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before he/she does anything.

a kindness a day


It was a normal week day and her husband was at work. After finishing her duties at home, Salma was busy as usual helping her neighbors, today washing their clothes. Her friends were surprised at her selfless kindness but she always told her friends: "A kindness a day keeps the devil away. I try to do one act of kindness everyday in hopes that it will eradicate a sin I may have unconsciously committed in the Book of Life".

One Sunday Salma's husband said, "May I ride with you today when you go to do the grocery shopping?"

Salma was obviously surprised, but she didn't question his request and said, "Sure why not, then we can spend some time together as you are always busy."

So Salma and her husband left and spent the whole day together. When they got home and put away the groceries, Salma thanked her husband for being so kind as to come with her.

He answered, "Salma, the real reason that I went with you is because you always tell people to do just one act of kindness, like eating an apple a day, keeps the Devil away, so I asked to ride with you to see just how kindly you act with people every day."

Salma asked with astonishment: "Why?". He replied, "Because I wanted to see how do you practice kindness, and I wanted to see if you practiced what you preach. And trust me, I will never doubt anything you say again."

He continued and said to Salma:

(1) "When we got in the van, you let the car across from us go first while watching that no car was coming from behind and you signaled him to go.

(2) "When we reached the stop, you signaled for people to cross the street saying that this way you protect them at least when you are at the stop sign because most drivers don't care about people, they just want to be on their way.

(3) "On the freeway you signaled the trailer trucks when you were letting them take the lane and slowed down to give them space to change lanes, saying that they had a delivery to make on time and that you had all the time in the world.

(4) "When we arrived in the store parking lot as you went to take a spot, someone else just swiped in front of you and we had to go all the way to the back. You never got angry. You said, "Well, maybe he has sore legs and needs to be closer," and you laughed.

(5) "As we arrived at the entrance door, you opened the door and let an elderly couple in saying, "Beauty before age."

"Well when I counted up 25 acts of kindness I stopped counting because your one act of kindness just rolls into many more. I couldn't believe it; you are so kind that I am sure that in the Good Book it will outweigh whatever you do wrong. From now on I will also do one act of kindness a day, and I will never doubt anything you say you do ever again".

Follower of Fatima Zahra (sa)Salma laughed and said, "Kindness is like a box of chocolates, when I open the box, I can never eat just one. I finish the box! And this is true, that is why I don't buy a whole box; it doesn't last the day. But I am so used to being kind that I don't even notice I am doing it. It is just loving my fellow human beings. It is just following Fatima Zahra (sa) who said: "(Help) the neighbor first, before your own self."

Subhanallah, Salma was indeed a true follower of Fatima Zahra (sa) who was so kind that:

(1) Fatima Zahra (sa) gave her new marriage dress to a poor person and wore her old dress instead, in the wedding. The next day when the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) asked why she was wearing an old dress, she replied that she gave the new dress to a poor person. Can we get such example of kindness anywhere?

The Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) asked: "Why didn't you give your old dress instead?".

Fatima Zahra (sa) replied: Because the Noble Qur'an says: "You will not achieve piety until you give out what you love the most." (3:92)

(2) Fatima Zahra (sa) and her whole family remained hungry for three days but offered the evening meals after three long days' fasting to the beggar, the orphan and the prisoner.

Noble Qur'an, praising this kind act, says: "And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive." (76:8)

(3) Fatima Zahra (sa) was so kind to her servant Fizza, that Fizza worked one day and the other day Fatima Zahra (sa) would work so that Fizza could rest. Such example of kindness can only be found in the family of the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh), Ahlul Bayt al Nubuwwah.

Alas, such a kind and benevolent lady was so much terrorized after the death of her father, the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) that she had to say addressing her father, the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh), standing before his grave: "Oh! Father dear! After you, fell on me such miseries that had they fallen on bright days, the bright days would have turned into darkest nights."



The Prophet of Islam Mohammed (may Allah's peace and our salams be unto him and his Ahlul Bayt) had just finished the Asr prayer and he was sitting in the mosque surrounded by his companions. Suddenly a stranger appeared in the mosque and addressing the assembly in the mosque, he said: "I am hungry, can someone feed me, I have nothing to wear, and can someone provide clothes for me, and I am a wayfarer lost miles away from home, can someone provide for me so that my needs be fulfilled?"

Fatima ZahraNo one said anything. Then the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) spoke. He said to the stranger: "I personally do not have anything to help you, but I will send you to a home, where all your needs will be fulfilled. The people of that house love Allah and his Prophet, and Allah and His Prophet love the inhabitants of that house. That is the house of Ahlul Bayt al Nubuwwah, where the family of my daughter Fatima Zahra lives." The Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) beckoned to Hazrat Bilal (r.a.) so that he may take the stranger to the house of Fatima Zahra (sa), which was adjacent to the mosque. Hazrat Bilal (r.a.) did that. The stranger came to the door and said: "My salam to you O Ahlul Bayt al Nubuwwah, O you the inhabitants of the house where angel Jibril (Gabriel) descends and where other angels come and go. I am hungry, please feed me, I have no clothes, please provide some clothes for me, and I am lost away from home and destitute, please help me get back home."

Fatima Zahra (sa) heard the voice. She looked around. The only thing Fatima Zahra (sa) could see in the house was a goatskin on which his two little children, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain used to sleep. Fatima Zahra (sa) picked up the goatskin and came to door. She extended that goatskin to the stranger from behind the door and said: "Please take this and fulfill your needs." The stranger looked at the goatskin and replied: "what can I do with this goatskin? It will not be sufficient for anything." Fatima Zahra (sa) thought and then she realized that she was wearing a necklace which was wedding gift her from the daughter of Hamza bin Abdul-Muttalib. Fatima Zahra (sa) took the necklace off and gave it to the stranger.

Glorious Necklace of Fatima ZahraThe stranger came back to the mosque and showed to the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) what he had been given by Fatima Zahra (sa). The Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) looked at the necklace and his eyes filled up with tears.

The Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) turned to the stranger and said: "Fatima Zahra has fulfilled your needs, now you pray for her." The stranger raised his hands to the heavens and said: "Ya Allah give Fatima Zahra all that which no eyes have ever seen and no ears have ever heard."

Ammar ibn Yasir (r.a.) was also among the companions (Sahaba). He said to the stranger: "Are you selling the necklace?" The stranger replied: "Yes."

Thus Ammar ibn Yasir (r.a.) bought the necklace for three hundred dirhams. That was sufficient money for the stranger to buy food, clothing and a horse; and soon he was on his way.

Ammar ibn Yasir (r.a.) came home. He wrapped the necklace in a Yamani chadar and daubed it with fragrance. Ammar ibn Yasir (r.a.) had a slave boy named Sahm. He gave the necklace thus wrapped to the boy and asked him to take it to the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh). Ammar ibn Yasir (r.a.) also said to Sahm that he (the slave boy) too was being given away to the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) as a gift. The Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) said to Sahm: "Take this necklace to Fatima Zahra and after, that you are a free man."

As Sahm returned the necklace to Fatima Zahra (sa) and returned from her house, he laughed. People who had been watching the whole thing, asked Sahm for the reason of his laughing.

Sahm replied: "What a glorious necklace - it came out of the house, fed a hungry man, clothed a naked man, and provided for a lost wayfarer. It then freed a slave from his bond and then returned to its rightful owner/mistress."

MORAL OF THE STORY: The Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) taught us, the Muslims at large, to be grateful to anyone who provides any kind of help. The best expression of that gratitude is doing a Dua for your benefactor. Fatima Zahra (sa) did not need any Dua from a stranger, but that was the teaching of the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (pbuh) and his methodology.

That legacy continued in the Prophet's own family and each and every member of that family provided the best example of social and personal morality.

In the 61 year of Hijra, after the tragedy of Karbala, the surviving women and children were taken prisoners and they were being paraded in the streets of Koofa. On both sides, people were watching the passing caravan from their balconies. On one camel back Husayn's sister Zaynab and his orphan daughter Sukayna who was four years old, were riding. As the camel arrived close to a house, there was a woman standing there. Sukayna was thirsty and asked the woman if she could give her a drink. The woman came back quickly with a cup full of water and said: "You appear to be an orphan; Allah accepts an orphan's prayer very quickly. I have longing, I would like you to pray for my wish after you had your drink."

Zaynab, immediately stopped the four year old and said: "You pray for the lady first and then drink the water."

Who would think about morals in such difficult circumstances - no one but the Ahlul Bayt al Nubuwwah.

This was the character and ideal of the Ahlul Bayt al Nubuwwah. It is for this reason that the devotees of Ahlul Bayt al Nubuwwah revere them and look up to them for all their guidance in religious as well as worldly matters.

By: Syed-Mohsin Naquvi